For years I have had this huge work desk / bookshelf combo that I have wanted to get rid of...I kept it because the guy that put it together for me had passed (r.i.p. Major Kokayi). But I finally realized, after reading and watching decluttering experts, that holding on to objects simply because of memories was not a good thing. Its funny how you can hear the same thing over and over and never apply it to your life, then one day it just clicks....this has happened to me in so many aspects of my have to be at a place where you are ready to internalize the lesson....
Anyway, back to the work area. I don't have any good before pics except for the ones that I took for my hair shots....where here is one with my son in the foreground...

Okay, let me just say, the pots and pans are on the floor cause I was getting ready to give those away....the shoes are always at the door, as is the bike.... student apartment living, gotta love it!
Here you can see the top part of the work was actually pretty nice looking, just not right for the small space. My tastes have changed, as have my needs, and I found that the more shelves and flat area I had, the more I felt that I had to keep. And I had nowhere to spread out my books, articles, and the like when writing papers (unless I used the dining room table). I just needed to rework that area so....

I took the credenza off of the desk part (well, I guess it was more of an armoire / cabinent). So now the desk part looks like this:

I moved the dining room table back to the dining area (not next to the t.v.) and it looks like...

Z. and I have actually been eating there! It's fun, you should try it! Oh, and the cabinet? Well, I got it as far as outside the door, but I can't get it down the stairs. And we had two winter storms, so now....
Now if I can dig my way out of my front door....

I might try to throw some more stuff in the trash/ recycling / give away bins....the ones not covered in snow, that is....
Viva na paz!
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